Ivan Kaminskyi

Apr 21, 202322 min

How to Implement Lazy Loading with JavaScript

1. Introduction

In today's digital landscape, where web pages are becoming increasingly rich in content and media, optimizing the performance of websites has become more important than ever. One effective technique for improving page load times and enhancing user experience is lazy loading. In this article, we will explore how to implement lazy loading with JavaScript to defer the loading of non-critical resources until they are actually needed.

Lazy loading is a strategy that allows us to load web page elements, such as images, videos, iframes, and other content, only when they come into view or are about to be accessed by the user. By deferring the loading of these resources until they are required, we can significantly reduce the initial load time of a web page, improving its overall performance and decreasing bandwidth usage.

Throughout this article, we will delve into the fundamentals of lazy loading and discuss its various benefits. We will then walk through a step-by-step guide on how to implement lazy loading using JavaScript, covering essential concepts and techniques along the way. Additionally, we will explore advanced techniques, such as prioritizing content and progressive loading, and provide insights on testing, debugging, and optimizing lazy loading implementations.

Whether you're a beginner looking to enhance your web development skills or an experienced developer aiming to optimize your website's performance, this article will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement lazy loading effectively. So, let's dive in and unlock the power of lazy loading with JavaScript!

2. Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the implementation details, it's crucial to grasp the basic concepts behind lazy loading. Let's explore how lazy loading works and when it is appropriate to employ this technique.

Lazy loading is based on the principle of loading content on-demand rather than all at once when a web page is initially loaded. Instead of burdening the user with a lengthy load time, lazy loading ensures that only the essential elements are loaded initially, while the remaining non-critical resources are deferred until they are needed.

How does lazy loading work? Lazy loading relies on a combination of JavaScript and browser APIs to detect when an element enters the viewport or is about to be accessed by the user. This technique utilizes an intersection observer, a browser API that monitors the visibility of elements within the viewport. When an element comes into view, the observer triggers a callback function, and that's when we can load the content associated with that element.

By employing lazy loading, we can enhance the user experience by significantly reducing the initial load time of a web page. This is especially valuable for websites that contain a large number of images, videos, or other media-rich content. Rather than making the user wait for all these resources to load before they can interact with the page, lazy loading allows us to prioritize the critical elements and load the rest as the user scrolls or interacts with the content.

When should you consider using lazy loading? Lazy loading is particularly beneficial in scenarios where there is a significant amount of content that is not immediately visible or necessary for the initial user interaction. Some typical use cases for lazy loading include:

  1. Image-heavy websites: If your website contains a vast number of images, such as a portfolio or e-commerce site, lazy loading can ensure that images are only loaded when they come into view, reducing the initial load time and improving the perceived performance.

  2. Long-scrolling pages: Websites that have lengthy pages with a continuous flow of content, such as infinite scroll or article-heavy websites, can greatly benefit from lazy loading. By loading content as the user scrolls, you provide a seamless browsing experience without overwhelming the user with excessive initial loading.

  3. Embedded media: When including videos, iframes, or other embedded media on your web page, lazy loading can be employed to defer the loading of these resources until the user actively interacts with them. This can lead to faster page loads and improved performance.

Now that we have established the fundamentals of lazy loading and identified its suitable use cases, let's move on to the practical aspects of implementing lazy loading with JavaScript.

3. Implementing Lazy Loading with JavaScript

Now that we understand the basics of lazy loading, let's explore how to implement it using JavaScript. We'll go through a step-by-step guide that covers the essential concepts and techniques involved in lazy loading.

Step 1: Identify the elements to be lazily loaded

First, identify the elements on your web page that you want to lazily load. This could include images, videos, iframes, or any other content that is not critical for the initial page load. Assign appropriate classes or data attributes to these elements to facilitate the lazy loading process.

<img class="lazy" data-src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="Lazy loaded image">
<iframe class="lazy" data-src="path/to/video.mp4"></iframe>

Step 2: Set up the intersection observer

Next, we need to set up an intersection observer to monitor the visibility of the lazy load elements. The intersection observer is a browser API that allows us to efficiently detect when an element enters or exits the viewport.

// Create the intersection observer
const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
  entries.forEach((entry) => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      // Load the content when it enters the viewport
      entry.target.src = entry.target.dataset.src;

// Select the lazy load elements
const lazyElements = document.querySelectorAll('.lazy');

// Observe each lazy load element
lazyElements.forEach((element) => {

Step 3: Create a callback function for the observer

In the intersection observer's callback function, we check if the observed element is intersecting with the viewport. If it is, we load the content by assigning the src attribute (or appropriate attribute for the specific element) with the value stored in the data-src attribute.

Step 4: Load the content when it enters the viewport

When an element enters the viewport, we assign the src attribute with the data-src value. This triggers the loading of the content associated with that element. Additionally, we can stop observing the element by calling unobserve() on the observer.

Step 5: Optimize lazy loading for performance

To optimize lazy loading, consider additional techniques such as preloading the critical resources needed for the initial view and progressively loading the rest of the content as the user scrolls. You can also implement placeholder images or loading spinners to provide visual feedback to the user while the content is being loaded.

<img class="lazy" data-src="path/to/image.jpg" data-srcset="path/to/image.jpg 1x, path/to/image@2x.jpg 2x" alt="Lazy loaded image" src="path/to/placeholder.jpg">

In the above example, we provide a low-resolution placeholder image as the initial src value while the actual image source and source set are stored in the data-src and data-srcset attributes, respectively. This allows the browser to fetch the appropriate image based on the device's pixel density.

By following these steps, you can successfully implement lazy loading with JavaScript on your web pages. However, keep in mind that lazy loading is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Carefully assess your website's specific requirements and user experience goals to determine which elements would benefit the most from lazy loading. Remember to test and fine-tune your implementation to achieve the desired balance between performance optimization and user experience.

In the next sections of this article, we will explore specific techniques for lazy loading images, videos, iframes, and other types of content. We will also delve into advanced lazy loading techniques, testing, debugging, and performance considerations. So, let's continue our journey towards mastering lazy loading with JavaScript!

4. Lazy Loading Images

One of the most common use cases for lazy loading is with images. Loading all images on a page upfront, especially when there are many of them, can significantly impact the page load time and user experience. By implementing lazy loading for images, we can defer the loading of images that are not immediately visible, improving the initial load time and conserving bandwidth.

To implement lazy loading for images, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the images to be lazily loaded

Identify the images on your web page that you want to apply lazy loading to. You can select images based on specific CSS classes, data attributes, or any other suitable criteria.

Step 2: Set up the intersection observer

Create an intersection observer instance to track when the identified images enter the viewport. Here's an example of setting up an intersection observer for lazy loading images:

const imageObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
  entries.forEach((entry) => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      const lazyImage = entry.target;
      lazyImage.src = lazyImage.dataset.src;

Step 3: Create the HTML markup for lazy-loaded images

In your HTML markup, replace the src attribute of the images you want to lazily load with a data-src attribute that stores the actual image URL. Add a CSS class, such as lazy, to these images to identify them for lazy loading. Here's an example:

<img class="lazy" data-src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Your Image">

Step 4: Observe the images and load them when they enter the viewport Loop through the selected images and observe each one using the intersection observer. When an image enters the viewport, the observer's callback function will be triggered, and the image source (src) will be set to the URL specified in the data-src attribute. The lazy class is also removed to ensure the image is not lazily loaded again in the future.

const lazyImages = document.querySelectorAll('.lazy');
lazyImages.forEach((lazyImage) => {

By following these steps, you can successfully implement lazy loading for images on your web page. As the user scrolls and the images come into view, they will be loaded dynamically, improving the initial page load time and providing a better user experience.

Remember to add appropriate styling, such as a placeholder image or a loading spinner, for the images while they are being loaded to enhance the visual experience. Additionally, you can apply further optimizations, such as lazy loading images only when they are close to entering the viewport or implementing progressive lazy loading, to further optimize the performance of your lazy loading implementation.

In the next sections, we will explore lazy loading techniques for other types of content, such as videos, iframes, and scripts, as well as advanced techniques, testing, debugging, and performance considerations. Let's continue our journey into the world of lazy loading with JavaScript!

5. Lazy Loading Other Content

In addition to images, lazy loading can be applied to other types of content, such as videos, iframes, and scripts. By lazily loading these elements, we can optimize the initial page load time and improve the overall performance of our web pages. Let's explore how to implement lazy loading for different types of content.

Lazy Loading Videos:

Implementing lazy loading for videos involves replacing the standard embedded video player with a placeholder image or thumbnail and loading the actual video only when it becomes visible. Here's an example of lazy loading videos using the HTML5 video element and JavaScript:

<video class="lazy" data-src="path/to/your/video.mp4" controls>
  <source data-src="path/to/your/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.
const videoObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
  entries.forEach((entry) => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      const lazyVideo = entry.target;
      lazyVideo.src = lazyVideo.dataset.src;

const lazyVideos = document.querySelectorAll('video.lazy');
lazyVideos.forEach((lazyVideo) => {

Lazy Loading Iframes:

Lazy loading iframes can be useful when embedding external content, such as maps or social media widgets, on your web page. By deferring the loading of iframes until they enter the viewport, you can improve the page load time. Here's an example of lazy loading iframes:

<iframe class="lazy" data-src="https://www.example.com/embedded-content" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
const iframeObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
  entries.forEach((entry) => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      const lazyIframe = entry.target;
      lazyIframe.src = lazyIframe.dataset.src;

const lazyIframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe.lazy');
lazyIframes.forEach((lazyIframe) => {

Lazy Loading Scripts and Stylesheets:

You can also implement lazy loading for external scripts and stylesheets to optimize the loading of third-party libraries or custom CSS files. Here's an example of lazy loading scripts and stylesheets:

<script class="lazy" data-src="path/to/your/script.js"></script>
<link class="lazy" data-href="path/to/your/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet">
const scriptObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
  entries.forEach((entry) => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      const lazyScript = entry.target;
      const script = document.createElement('script');
      script.src = lazyScript.dataset.src;
      lazyScript.parentNode.replaceChild(script, lazyScript);

const lazyScripts = document.querySelectorAll('script.lazy');
lazyScripts.forEach((lazyScript) => {

const stylesheetObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
  entries.forEach((entry) => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      const lazyStylesheet = entry.target;
      const link = document.createElement('link');
      link.href = lazyStylesheet.dataset.href;
      link.rel = 'stylesheet';
      lazyStylesheet.parentNode.replaceChild(link, lazyStylesheet);


 lazyStylesheets = document.querySelectorAll('link.lazy');
lazyStylesheets.forEach((lazyStylesheet) => {

By implementing lazy loading for various types of content, you can optimize the loading of non-critical resources and enhance the performance of your web pages. Remember to adjust the code examples to fit your specific needs and follow best practices for lazy loading.

In the next sections, we will explore advanced lazy loading techniques, testing, debugging, and performance considerations. Let's continue our journey into the world of lazy loading with JavaScript!

6. Advanced Lazy Loading Techniques

While basic lazy loading techniques can significantly improve page load times and user experience, there are advanced techniques that you can employ to further optimize lazy loading implementations. Let's explore some of these techniques and how you can leverage them in your projects.

1. Prioritizing Content for Lazy Loading:

In some cases, you may want to prioritize certain content over others for lazy loading. For example, you might prioritize images above videos or critical sections of your webpage above less important elements. By assigning different levels of priority to elements, you can control the order in which they are loaded. Here's an example of how you can prioritize content for lazy loading:

const lazyElements = [
  { element: lazyImage, priority: 1 },
  { element: lazyVideo, priority: 2 },
  { element: lazyIframe, priority: 3 },

lazyElements.sort((a, b) => a.priority - b.priority);

lazyElements.forEach((lazyElement) => {
  // Apply lazy loading logic based on element type

By assigning priority levels to the elements you want to lazily load, you can control their loading order and ensure that critical content is loaded first.

2. Implementing Progressive Lazy Loading:

Progressive lazy loading is a technique where you gradually load higher quality or larger versions of images as the user scrolls. It starts by loading a lower-quality or smaller version of the image initially and then progressively replaces it with a higher-quality or larger version as the user continues to scroll. This technique improves perceived performance and reduces the initial page load time. Here's an example of implementing progressive lazy loading for images:

const lazyImages = document.querySelectorAll('.lazy');

lazyImages.forEach((lazyImage) => {
  const imageObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
    entries.forEach((entry) => {
      if (entry.isIntersecting) {
        const img = entry.target;
        const src = img.dataset.src;
        const srcset = img.dataset.srcset;

        img.src = src;
        img.srcset = srcset;



By progressively loading images with lower quality or smaller sizes first, you can provide a better user experience and improve the performance of your lazy loading implementation.

3. Lazy Loading with AJAX and JSON:

Lazy loading can also be applied to dynamically loaded content, such as data retrieved via AJAX requests or JSON APIs. By fetching and loading data only when it becomes necessary, you can enhance the performance and responsiveness of your web application. Here's an example of lazy loading content with AJAX and JSON:

const loadData = () => {
  // Perform AJAX request to retrieve JSON data
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((data) => {
      // Process and render the data

const lazyDataElement = document.getElementById('lazy-data-element');

const dataObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
  entries.forEach((entry) => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {


By utilizing lazy loading with AJAX and JSON, you can optimize the loading of dynamic content and improve the overall performance of your web application.

These advanced lazy loading techniques provide additional flexibility and optimization options for your lazy loading implementations. Experiment with these techniques based on your specific requirements to achieve the best balance between performance and user experience.

In the next sections, we will explore testing, debugging, performance considerations, and provide additional resources to further enhance your knowledge of lazy loading with JavaScript. Let's continue our journey into the world of lazy loading!

7. Testing and Debugging

Testing and debugging are crucial steps in the implementation of lazy loading to ensure its effectiveness and identify any issues that may arise. Let's explore some testing techniques and tools that can help you validate and debug your lazy loading implementation.

1. Testing Lazy Loading Functionality:

To test the lazy loading functionality, you can use browser developer tools to simulate various scenarios. For example, you can inspect the network requests and verify that the non-critical resources are not loaded until they enter the viewport. You can also test the loading behavior by resizing the browser window and scrolling through the page to trigger the loading of the lazy-loaded content.

2. Checking Intersection Observer Callback:

You can console log or debug the intersection observer callback function to ensure it is triggered correctly when the observed elements intersect with the viewport. Here's an example of how you can debug the callback function:

const imageObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
  entries.forEach((entry) => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      // Perform lazy loading actions

By checking the console output or using breakpoints in your code, you can inspect the entry objects and verify that they contain the necessary information about the observed elements.

3. Debugging Common Issues:

When implementing lazy loading, you may encounter common issues such as elements not being lazily loaded, incorrect loading behavior, or performance problems. Here are some debugging techniques to address these issues:

  • Verify that the lazy loading code is correctly applied to the desired elements. Check the CSS classes, data attributes, or other selectors to ensure they match the intended elements.
  • Inspect the element properties and data attributes to confirm that they are updated correctly when the lazy loading triggers.
  • Check for any JavaScript errors or console warnings that might affect the lazy loading functionality.
  • Monitor the network requests and ensure that the resources are only loaded when they enter the viewport.
  • Use performance profiling tools to identify any performance bottlenecks or optimize your lazy loading implementation.

4. Leveraging Browser Developer Tools:

Modern web browsers provide powerful developer tools that can assist in testing and debugging lazy loading. Tools such as the Network tab, Elements inspector, and Console are valuable resources for monitoring network requests, inspecting the DOM, and debugging JavaScript code. Additionally, you can use performance profiling tools like Chrome's Performance tab or Firefox's Performance tool to analyze the performance impact of your lazy loading implementation.

By leveraging these testing and debugging techniques, you can identify and resolve issues, ensuring that your lazy loading implementation works as intended and provides the desired performance improvements.

In the next section, we will discuss performance considerations to optimize lazy loading implementations and provide additional resources for further exploration.

8. Performance Considerations

While lazy loading can greatly improve the performance of your web pages, it's important to consider certain performance considerations to optimize your lazy loading implementation further. Let's explore some key factors to keep in mind and techniques to enhance the performance of lazy loading.

1. Debouncing or Throttling Intersection Observer Callbacks:

When scrolling or rapidly changing the viewport, the intersection observer callback can be triggered excessively, leading to unnecessary resource loading or performance issues. To mitigate this, you can implement debouncing or throttling techniques to limit the frequency of callback invocations. Here's an example of implementing a debounce technique for the intersection observer callback:

function debounce(callback, delay) {
  let timerId;
  return function () {
    timerId = setTimeout(callback, delay);

const debouncedCallback = debounce(() => {
  // Lazy loading logic
}, 200);

const observer = new IntersectionObserver(debouncedCallback);


By adding a debounce function to your code, you can control the rate at which the lazy loading logic is executed, preventing excessive resource loading.

2. Browser Caching and Compression:

To optimize the performance of lazy-loaded resources, ensure that caching mechanisms are properly set up. Use appropriate caching headers on the server side to allow the browser to cache the resources and avoid unnecessary repeated requests. Additionally, consider compressing your resources, such as images, videos, or scripts, to reduce their file sizes and improve the overall loading speed.

3. Lazy Loading Above the Fold Content:

The "above the fold" content refers to the portion of the web page that is immediately visible to the user without scrolling. To ensure a fast initial load time and prioritize the user experience, consider loading the above-the-fold content traditionally without lazy loading. This way, the crucial content is available immediately, while the non-critical content is lazily loaded as the user scrolls.

4. Optimizing Image Lazy Loading:

Images are often the primary target for lazy loading. To further optimize the lazy loading of images, consider implementing techniques such as:

  • Using placeholder images: Display a low-resolution or small-sized placeholder image while the actual image is being loaded. This gives users a visual indication of the image's presence and prevents layout shifting.
  • Lazy loading images only when they are close to entering the viewport: Instead of loading images as soon as they enter the viewport, consider loading them a few pixels before they come into view. This can help improve the perceived performance and reduce unnecessary resource loading.
  • Utilizing responsive images: Serve appropriately sized images based on the user's device and viewport size to reduce the file size and improve loading speed.
  • Implementing lazy loading for background images: Apply lazy loading techniques to background images by modifying the background-image CSS property dynamically.

By implementing these performance considerations, you can optimize the loading speed, reduce unnecessary resource requests, and improve the overall performance of your lazy loading implementation.

In the next section, we will conclude our discussion on real-world examples of lazy loading technique usage.

9. Real-World Examples

To solidify your understanding of lazy loading and its practical applications, let's explore a few real-world examples of how lazy loading is used on popular websites and web applications.

1. Social Media Feeds:

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter utilize lazy loading to efficiently load and display user-generated content, such as posts, images, and videos. As users scroll through their feeds, new content is lazily loaded, reducing the initial load time and improving the overall performance of the feed.

2. Image Galleries and Portfolios:

Websites featuring image galleries or portfolios often incorporate lazy loading to enhance the user experience. Instead of loading all images upfront, only the initially visible images are loaded, and the remaining images are lazily loaded as the user scrolls through the gallery or portfolio. This approach allows for faster page loads and a smoother browsing experience.

3. E-commerce Websites:

E-commerce platforms, with their extensive product catalogs and image-heavy pages, can greatly benefit from lazy loading. By loading product images as users scroll through category listings or search results, e-commerce websites optimize the page load time, improve the shopping experience, and reduce bandwidth usage.

4. News Websites:

News websites frequently employ lazy loading to handle the vast amount of content they present to users. By lazily loading images, videos, and related articles as users scroll through news articles, these websites provide a faster initial load time and ensure a seamless reading experience.

5. Infinite Scrolling Websites:

Websites that implement infinite scrolling, where new content is loaded automatically as users reach the bottom of the page, often rely on lazy loading. By loading new content dynamically, lazy loading ensures that only the necessary content is loaded, preventing performance degradation due to excessive resource requests.

These real-world examples highlight the wide range of applications for lazy loading and its effectiveness in improving page load times and user experience. By incorporating lazy loading techniques into your own web projects, you can deliver faster and more efficient websites that provide a seamless browsing experience.

In the next section, we will conclude our discussion on lazy loading with a summary of key points and final thoughts.

10. Conclusion

In this article, we have explored the concept of lazy loading and learned how to implement it with JavaScript. Lazy loading is a powerful technique that allows us to defer the loading of non-critical resources, such as images, videos, iframes, and scripts, until they are needed. By adopting lazy loading, we can significantly improve the initial page load time, enhance the user experience, and optimize overall website performance.

Throughout the article, we discussed the basics of lazy loading, including its benefits and when to apply it. We then delved into the practical aspects of implementing lazy loading, providing step-by-step guidance and code examples for lazy loading images, videos, iframes, and other content. We also explored advanced techniques like prioritizing content, progressive lazy loading, and lazy loading with AJAX and JSON. Additionally, we covered testing, debugging, performance considerations, and real-world examples of lazy loading in action.

As web developers, it is essential to strike a balance between providing rich and engaging content and ensuring optimal performance. Lazy loading empowers us to deliver content in a more efficient manner, loading resources only when they are necessary. By implementing lazy loading, we can create faster, more responsive websites that delight users and improve their overall browsing experience.

Remember to consider the specific needs of your web projects, test your lazy loading implementation thoroughly, and continuously optimize its performance. Stay up-to-date with new techniques and best practices as web technologies evolve.

Now that you have gained a comprehensive understanding of lazy loading with JavaScript, it's time to apply this knowledge to your own web development endeavors. Embrace lazy loading, unlock its potential, and elevate the performance of your websites. Happy coding!


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